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Winsor & Newton Cotman Compact Half Pan Water Colour Set

Set contains: (14) Cotman Water Colour half pans: Lemon Yellow Hue, Cadmium Yellow Hue, Cadmium Red Pale Hue, Cadmium Red Hue, Alizarin Crimson Hue, Purple Lake, Ultramarine, Cerulean Blue Hue, Sap Green, Viridian Hue, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber and Chinese White. As well as a Cotman brush, integral palette and additional sliding palette, mediums dish, and a Watercolor Tips & Techniques sheet. Cotman Water Colours are a range of water colours that are made to our normal high quality standards but costs are kept to an economical level by replacing some of the more costly pigments with less expensive alternatives.