- 1 Cottage St, Easthampton, MA 01027
Call Us!
Guild Art Supply
(413) 586-6343
Pierce's Frame Shop
(413) 584-1207
Big Wheel Press
(413) 203-1700
Guild Art Supply
(413) 586-6343
Pierce's Frame Shop
(413) 584-1207
Big Wheel Press
(413) 203-1700
Along with being a full service letterpress studio, BWP also offers training in letterpress printing. We start all students off with Letterpress 101, the fundamentals to all letterpress printing. After the completion of LP101 students may build a personalized and advanced studies program to further their learning.
Our wide range of equipment provides students with many opportunities and students' programs can be modified around a specific area of interest in printing. These interests can include type composition and type casting, study on the iron handpress, book production, mixed media printing with silkscreen and risography, and much more.